Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek

Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek

Tvůrčí duo ve složení fotografka - korektorka Eva Csölleová a spisovatel - redaktor Vítek Formánek. Zkušenosti mají s prácí pro časopisy jako Cinema nebo Interview. Vydali desítku knih u nás i v zahraničí. Zaměřují se na interview se zajímavými lidmi či osobnostmi kulturní scény z celého světa.

Kohner is household surname in Hollywood since early 40´s. At that time a Jew born in Czech town Teplitz named Paul Kohner came here with his wife, Mexican actress called Lupita Tovar - He established an agency and his clients were the likes of writer Bob Traven, directors Billy Wilder, John Huston or Ingmar Bergman. Long after his death his agency still exists and works in LA. His son Pancho Kohner was born on 7.1.1939 and he followed the tire treads of his father.He set up production company Capricorn Production, writes screenplays, produces films and also directed some.Beside that he looks after his mother who is 104 at the time of writing this. He is very friendly and honest man so he agreed on interview with us.

Theodor Pištěk is the man of many talents.Painter by trade, but also respected film designer and car driver.One doesn´t get a chance to make interview with him every day.So when we realized he was honourable president of film comittee at XXI. FebioFest 2014 we applied for chance to speak to him.Bonus was, we were taken to his studio outside Prague where he greeted us nursing wrist nerves troubles.

„It´s problem of many people who write 12 hours a day on PC keyboard. I have it from painting so shake my hand gently,please“ he noded with a smile.We were offered a fruit cake and also a chance to see and hold his much coveted trophy- Oscar for Amadeus movie.

You name  a Czech movie and Mr.Pištěk collaborated at it In total he participated at 105 movies of all genres.Be it legendary fairy tale story „ Tři oříšky pro Popelku“, historical drama“ Markéta Lazarová“, sci-fi“ Zítra vstanu a opařím se čajem“ or TV serie  „Návštěvníci“, you name it. He also designed uniforms was president guards at Hradčany castle.

English actor David Frankham shows that one should follow his dreams. He did something that is impossible these days. In 1955 he decided to go to Hollywood to become and actor without actually having any acting experience and without knowing anybody there. Unlike many actors these days, he got a job very soon and befriended stars like Elizaberth Taylor, Dick Bogarde, Alec Guiness, Vincent Price or Rock Hudson who opened doors for him. He was busy in TV and didn´t refuse any movie so he was busy till his pension age. He appreared in films like King Rat, The Return of the Fly or Tales of Terror, not forgetting having worked in dubbing, notably in 101 Dalmatians movie. He was chuffed by Unitedfilm's interest in his career and was very honest and open. He celebrates 90th birthday in February so we wish him lots of health and peace.

Jonathan David Dixon is versatile actor working at Santa Fé. We got in touch via Hollywood actor David Frankham and after becoming penpals we found enough courage to ask Jonathan bunch of questions to suss out how hard job the acting really is.We appreciate Jonathan gave us so much time and effort and his answers are honest and deep.What was also interesting was the fact that his grandmother born in US in 1895 was full- blooded Bohemian and her parent were born in Bohemia.World is small.

Lupita Tovar is one of the few remaining actresses from silent movies era still alive. Born 1910 in Mexico, she played in 35 movies between 1929 -1945. Her son Pancho Kohner, Hollywood producer helped us with interview.