Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
Tvůrčí duo ve složení fotografka - korektorka Eva Csölleová a spisovatel - redaktor Vítek Formánek. Zkušenosti mají s prácí pro časopisy jako Cinema nebo Interview. Vydali desítku knih u nás i v zahraničí. Zaměřují se na interview se zajímavými lidmi či osobnostmi kulturní scény z celého světa.
Gren Wells: American director who made it from stand-up comedian
Gren Wells is an American director who made it from stand-up comedian to actor, screenplaywriter to directorial position.While her stay in New York City, she starred in six indie film over two years span.One of them was „ Man about town“ which won Best Short Film at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival.When she moved to Los Angels she wrote a screenpay for a movie called „ A little bit of heaven“ which was bought and made by 20th Century Fox..On Zlín film festival she introduced her directorial debut „ A road within“.Since it was very intresting topic and we liked it very much, we asked her for interview.
Yann Artus-Bertrand: We don´t want to believe in what we already know
This French director is an extraordinary man. Since his childhood he was interested in wild life animals and nature. At the end of 60.´s he established a reservation in central France and then moved along with his wife to Kenya, where he lived for three years. He observed daily a lion´s family and took pictures from air balloons. Wildlife hit him deeply and he became a specialist in making photos from hot-air balloon. After returning to France he worked on various projects in various artistic areas ranging from documentary films to photographs .It was probably a look at our Planet from the balloon and seeing it´s real conditions which led him to establish a databank amassing more than half a millions of aerial photos from 100 of countries depicting and showing the real state of Mother Earth. He writes and publishes books, organized an exhibition of posters called Earth from above which visited 110 cities and was seen by over 120 million visitors. Names of his film documents such as Planet Ocean, Human, A Thirsty World show that his worries and interest in saving our planet are genuine. In order to get his message among as many people as possible he gave up all his royalties from the movie Home and put it free onto internet and to the movies all over the world. Surprisingly England and America refused to show the movie so far because it was for free so he went as far as renting a cinema in America by himself, paying 10 000 dollars from his own pockets and showing it to people.
John Badham - I take actors as my creative partners
Well known and established director John Badham was born August 25.1939 in English town Luton. His father was American Army General and moved whole family back to USA when John was two years old. They were based in Alabama. John graduated from Yale University, and at the end of 60 ś he cut his teen in TV. His trade mark is friendly relationship with his actors and versatility of his filmography. He can shoot good musical, comedy, drama or action movie on top level and be nominated for Academy Awards.
Czech viewers who saw Saturday Night Fever during deep communism probably even didn´t know that it was filmed by this director. This film brought him not only money but also wide recognition and made a star from John Travolta. John Badham is also credited for shooting drama Whose life is it anyway? horror Dracula, comedy Bird on the wire and Stakeout or warning film Wargames which made a star from young Matthew Broderick. He made innovative computer programmed called ShotMaster which creates Storyboard for people who can´t draw.
Hynek Bočan - Filming fairy tale means freedom for me and freedom for actors
Czech director Hynek Bočan was born on 29.4.1938 in Prague and he belonged to up and coming Czech New Wave.We can find his name signed under big portion of films such as Pasťák, Parta Hic, Tvář za sklem, Smích se lepí na paty,S čerty nejsou žerty nebo Bumerang. At the lean time when film studio didn´t offer him any job he got hooked by TV and made lots of films and series. It was joy to talk to director who spent half of the century in film making business at Letní Filmová škola in Uherské Hradiště. He cooperated with real legends of Czech film and got tons of experience under his belt. When we had a chance we asked him some questions to which he duly replied.
Hal Needham - One fulfilled American dream
America say that it is a country of unlimited possibilities.We won´t discuss it since another big nation once stated that by them“ Tomorrow means yesterday“.Every American lives his „American dream“ which is run by dollars and has a hope that even the poorest person can become a millionaire.Again we won´t discuss it since even in our country many poor people became millionaries, but we doubt their fair way to wealth.
Nevertheless story of Hal Needham is real classic story how poor man became a millionaire by dedication, hard way and big effort.He was born in 1931 and became the most famous personality in Hollywood, who came from stuntman to actor to director.Apart some box office hits he put some „ first“ under his belt, too.He was the first man who tested airbag, first director who used unused scenes at the end of the movie, during credits.A car owned by him reached as first one a supersonic speed.To make that interview complete, it took us 7 months but an interesting story was compiled. Sadly Hal died from cancer on 25.10.2013 so this story is well fitted tribute and epilogue.