Eva Csölleová, Vítek Formánek
Tvůrčí duo ve složení fotografka - korektorka Eva Csölleová a spisovatel - redaktor Vítek Formánek. Zkušenosti mají s prácí pro časopisy jako Cinema nebo Interview. Vydali desítku knih u nás i v zahraničí. Zaměřují se na interview se zajímavými lidmi či osobnostmi kulturní scény z celého světa.
Michael J. Fox: Honest confession of Hollywood star
Canadian actor Michael J. Fox was born on 9. 6.
He wrote a biography Lucky man-Memoirs where he honestly disclosed not only his fight with illness but also the life of an actor at uneasy start, on top-having celebrity status, and then facing the tought decision-what next?
Interview with Michael wasn´t on the cards so we used the extracts from his book published in Czech Republic in 2012. We admired how Michael could put a mirror to the tough life in Hollywood, show it´s false morale and admit how tought it was to return to reality with help of his loving and beloved wife Tracy.
Film industry is brutal business and in America it is twice as hard and God knows, why tens of thousands of people want to get into it.Only handful of them get on top, and they are those hard working people who made the film, which became a hit, were at the right place at right time and had that piece of luck. Miloš Forman, Ivan Passer, Dustin Hoffman or Gene Hackman had tough beginnings when they were hungry and were skint. Also Michael J. Fox suffered that hardship and also feelings of contempt, humble and uncertainty.
Roger Corman: Father of independent film celebrates
American independent producer, occasional actor and director Roger Corman was born on 5.4.1926.He graduated on industrial engineering college and in 1948 he went to work for U.S.Electrical Motors.He stayed there for 4 days and left saying he made terrible mistake.He got a job in 20th Century Fox studio in mail room.After a while he left and went to study English literature on Oxford University and upon his return to LA in 1953 he jumped into film industry, firstly as a producer and script writer, since 1955 as a director.
Kirk Douglas: Tribute to fine film legend
Kirk Douglas became hero from zero by his own effort and sheer determination. He hailed from very poor environment and thanks to his Jewish roots he personally felt lots of hate, malice and antisemitism in 50´s and 60´s.He never forgot that and despite his fame and wealth he gained, he stayed as a man with heart on the right side. Maybe, thanks to that he was given extra years on this Earth. He gained a lot on and off the screen and deserves a long in-depth article. We used his autobiography a Ragman´s son since we rate it as one of the best and the most honest film autobiographies we have ever read. Strange thing happened when we finished the article and closed the book. At the very evening, on other side of the Atlantic, Kirk Douglas peacefully died. Was it an omen? So our article became a fitting tribute to a great human being and a great actor.
John Landis was born on 3.8.1950 and apart from being a script writer, stuntman, actor he also directed and produced his own films. In film business he started as a mail boy in 20th Century Fox. Then he became an assistant director at the movie called Kelly´s Heroes, which was shot in Yugoslavia and where he met big Hollywood stars who later played in his own films.
He was only 19 at that time. He stayed in Europe and worked on low budget movies where he cut his teeth. Alongside that he earned money as a stuntman. His first big feature film was made in 1971 and was called Schlock. He had a massive success with films such as An American Werewolf in London, Beverly Hills Cop III, Trading Place, The Blues Brothers or Spies like us. He is also famous due to his cooperation with Michael Jackson on mega-successful video clip Thriller.
Lech Majewski: I am like an old school painter working with the film instead of a brush and a paint, but canvas stays the same
Polish director Lech Majewski was born 30.8.1953 in Katowice. He studied Academy of Fine Arts. Since he was also a talented writer, poet and painter, his next steps led him to the National Film School in Łódź. His first film was Zwiastowanie shot in 1978.Two years later came the medieval story The Knight and Lech left for England and USA. There he worked on many critically acclaimed movies such as The Prisoner of Rio, The Gospel According to Harry, Basquiat and Glass Lips to name a few. He was a guest of Letní filmová škola
(Summer film school) in Uherské Hradiště in 2019 where he was awarded the Annual Award of the Association of Czech Film Clubs.We were interested in interviewing him, but there was no time in Uherske Hradiště so we sent him an email. He replied and we talked on the phone.